Saturday, June 3, 2017


First of all, i want to thank Annan Adored for her beautiful windlights.  I use them almost exclusively.  I always wanted to thank her in person.  She is a creative inspiration to us all.


Building:  NOMAD // "Mjolnir Kompaniet" Building

[ keke ] bastet cat figure
The Loft - Chidi Bed PG @Uber, May 2017
The Loft - Chidi Canopy @Uber, May 2017
The Loft - Chidi Straw Lamp @Uber, May 2017
The Loft - Chidi Framed Motif @Uber, May 2017
The Loft - Wooden Rug @Fameshed, June 2017
The Loft - Napa Entryway Lamp
The Loft - Evan Rug
The Loft - Dunham Side Chair  II
The Loft - Napa Entryway Box Set Black
The Loft - Horn Accent Spiral
The Loft - Peas in a Pod
The Loft - Highland Sconce
PLAAKA EucalyptusPolyanthemos @TheArcade, June 2017
PLAAKA PileaPeperomioides @TheArcade, June 2017
Apt B // Farm Living Alarm Clock
Apt B // Simple Comforts Paper Bag
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx (LyingDown)
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx (Sit)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much dear<33 =D hugss :**** Annan Adored


The front room

  CREDITS: Building:  dust bunny . eloise cottage . white ACORN Fat Pig 8f8 - Patched Up Companions - Gusto Mortadelli - REZ 8f8 - Patched U...