Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bad Money


Building:  Apple Fall Old Manufactory (at my home, Neva River Village)

.:revival:. journal
Kalopsia - Sadie's Stools - Black
Soy. Hanging notice board [dada]
junk. dome ceiling light. thistle.
junk. potted tree.
junk. battered leather chair. teal. adult.
junk. potted tree.
xin + toro // gun racks + RARE @6 Republic older item
xin + toro // money briefcase @6 Republic older item
xin + toro // file cabinet + fan @6 Republic older item
(fd) Cat - 02 Sleeping Curled
(fd) Cat - 08 Stretching
(fd) Cat - 16 Curled In Box RARE
Alouette - Box of Mail 4
Alouette - Box of Mail 3
RO - Spook Show - Gail Veil Mannequin @The Epiphany
Mesh India (Karthikeyan Engineer) MI Cash Ground @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Rising Profit @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Cash Table (Rare) @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Mini Rack @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Cash Door @Lost and Found, July 2016
hive // old doorbell
-David Heather-Binocular Lamp
L2 Studio No Smoking small sign
dust bunny . storybook living . black candlestick phone
jipe.loon Great Dane beige 2 (the Marketplace)
Debora Stine Extinguisher Fire (model 3) DBy (the Marketplace)

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