Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bad Money


Building:  Apple Fall Old Manufactory (at my home, Neva River Village)

.:revival:. journal
Kalopsia - Sadie's Stools - Black
Soy. Hanging notice board [dada]
junk. dome ceiling light. thistle.
junk. potted tree.
junk. battered leather chair. teal. adult.
junk. potted tree.
xin + toro // gun racks + RARE @6 Republic older item
xin + toro // money briefcase @6 Republic older item
xin + toro // file cabinet + fan @6 Republic older item
(fd) Cat - 02 Sleeping Curled
(fd) Cat - 08 Stretching
(fd) Cat - 16 Curled In Box RARE
Alouette - Box of Mail 4
Alouette - Box of Mail 3
RO - Spook Show - Gail Veil Mannequin @The Epiphany
Mesh India (Karthikeyan Engineer) MI Cash Ground @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Rising Profit @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Cash Table (Rare) @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Mini Rack @Lost and Found, July 2016
Mesh India MI Cash Door @Lost and Found, July 2016
hive // old doorbell
-David Heather-Binocular Lamp
L2 Studio No Smoking small sign
dust bunny . storybook living . black candlestick phone
jipe.loon Great Dane beige 2 (the Marketplace)
Debora Stine Extinguisher Fire (model 3) DBy (the Marketplace)

Room of Memories


Building:  03 - 8f8 - primavera in Toscana Shed RARE

Apple Fall Twig Wreath
AF Ceramic Chubby Squirrel
AF Recycled Desk
AF Tea Time Teaset
Apple Fall Plaster Candles
Apple Fall Natural Apples
Apple Fall Amelie Magnifiers
Kalopsia - Madeleine's Roses Bucket
Kalopsia - Madeleine's Daybed - Black - PG
Kalopsia - Madeleine's Trolley - Black
Kalopsia - Knitting Basket - Cream
Kalopsia - Old Mirror (no pictures)
Kalopsia - Metal Vases
Kalopsia - Train Station Clock
Kalopsia - Flower Case
Kalopsia - Book Pile Lamp
Kalopsia - Castle Lamp
Kalopsia - Leslie's Beads Lamp - Brass
Kalopsia - Magazine Pile (Summer Edition)
Kalopsia - Jack's Rug
Kalopsia - Big Ass Fancy Vase
Kalopsia - Basket (with flowers)
Kalopsia - Basket (with cloths)
dust bunny . wanderlust . upcycled typewriter
junk. asylum chair.
floorplan. poster mural / adventure @Fifty Linden Fridays
floorplan. postcard collection / french
KAZZA - HomeStyle - Small Vase Foliage
[CIRCA] - "Love Lane" Mini Tree Planter
Apt B // Tree Gift
cinphul // Lavande [Cosmo Gift]
LB_LeSacTopiary2{Spring} @Cosmopolitan
Angharad Greggan Trug
My KittyCats

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blind Cello Player


.:M.LAW:. Harmony Gazebo RARE @Lost and Found

*HEXtraordinary* Ginger Snowy Meowl
.:M.LAW:. Harmony Gazebo Chair two @Lost and Found
.:M.LAW:. Harmony Gazebo chair three @Lost and Found
Apple Fall Martins' Busker Guitar
Apple Fall Photographers' Easel
Thunk! Cello (Deco), Cello Bow, Cello Seat @Lost and Found
HPMD* Garden Tree09 with Lights - green c
HPMD* Garden Tree09 with Lights - pink a
DECO - MESH Tarnished Tophat

Dream of Cats


:HAIKEI: Container Plan Gacha / RARE  @Kustom9

8. MudHoney Lenore Urn 
[ keke ] black whale print 1
[ keke ] wall console table - dark @Uber
[ keke ] simple texture change frame 1 @Uber
[ keke ] simple texture change frame 4 @Uber
[ keke ] bastet cat figure
[ keke ] glass art - love @Uber
[ keke ] glass art - grace @Uber
[ARIA] Finley Chaise Lounge (PG)
The Loft & ARIA - Harmon Rug
Aria & The Loft - Dakota floor light
Kalopsia - Sadie's Stools - Black @Kustom9
Apple Fall Strung Branch Pendant Light
Scarlet Creative The Arcade J 16 - Nerites Plant MT
RO - Spook Show - Freida Freak Mannequin
NOMAD // Bright Headed Mannequin D
~BAZAR~ California- Industrial lamp
Soy. Super long Hanging Hedera
Soy. Hanging notice board [woman]
Soy. Hanging notice board [dada]
{vespertine}- giftboxes
[n.i] over.grown.tea.cans.rusted
.10 [ kunst ] - Magazines
-tres blah- Eclectic Collection - Cat Face Pillow
27.erratic / cwe - cushion / chat
[Black Bantam] Baby Bob Cat Cub 06
07 Fancy Decor: Monkey Music Box
..::THOR::.. Bucket of Daisies
Raya Jonson Sabre-toothed squirrel

Tuesday, July 26, 2016



ARIA - Oakley Dining Table @Uber, July 2016
ARIA - Oakley Dining Chair @Uber, July 2016
ARIA - Oakley  Pendant Light @Uber, July 2016
ARIA - Oakley  Amsonia flowers in a vase @Uber, July 2016
ARIA - Oakley  Decorative Bowls @Uber, July 2016
ARIA - Oakley  Decorative Muffins And Cups @Uber, July 2016
ARIA & The Loft - Llias  Kentia palm planter
[ARIA] Nerine Three Sitter Sofa (PG)
[ARIA] Thea stone bowl with apples
[ARIA] Savannah Candle Holder C
[ARIA] Georgia decorative cushions
[ARIA] Georgia decorative tea sandwich stand
[ARIA] Arlette decorative picnic basket
[ARIA] Arlette decorative cushions pile
[ARIA] Arlette  Sweet Pea bouquet
[ARIA] Arlette picnic blanket
[ARIA] Lydia decorative book pile
Trompe Loeil - Afton Raft @Uber, July 2016



Building: The Catcher's Shack (full version) Turnip Homes

:CP: Boho Princess Bed (PG) @Uber, July 2016
:CP: Boho Princess Canopy @Uber, July 2016
:CP: Boho Princess Rug @Uber, July 2016
hive // cabana boy wanted sign
~BAZAR~ Paris - Wine bottle spilled
.random.Matter. - Lost & Forgotten - Chair [Brown/Green]
.random.Matter. - Lost & Forgotten - Oil Lamp [Gold]
.random.Matter. - Lost & Forgotten - Broken Chair [Brown]

O Deer


Building:  The Catcher's Shack (full version) by Turnip Homes

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Barrel Planter
:CP: Leanne Door Cosy FairyTale (PG) @No21
:CP: Margarita Beach Sandcastle
[ keke ] wild lilies - big - red, white, orange, leaves
[ keke ] willow pillow - green
The Domineaux Effect Wheelbarrow Planter
PLAAKA SKYPLANTER Bird'sNestFern @Lost and Found
PLAAKA SKYPLANTER WhiteOrchid @Lost and Found
PLAAKA SKYPLANTER Nasturtium @Lost and Found
PLAAKA SKYPLANTER Pothos @Lost and Found
Hannah Kozlowski Deer
Garden by anc slight wildgrass {flash green} / WIDE 1Li

{AnaMarkova} Amelie S Berries @Lost and Found

Monday, July 25, 2016

Just Looking



Hair - .:EMO-tions:. * KALIOPE * @Lost and Found
Shoes - :::ChicChica::: Laurie M Coral @Lost and Found
Outfit - ^BADa^stream gacha 3 red top and skirt @Lost and Found
Ring - Jinx : Crystal Ball Ring @Lost and Found
Pose - Amitie - The Pool  @Lost and Found


[ keke ] abandoned art - crown - white
.:revival:. peacock chair natural
Serenity Style- Cosette Cabin RARE @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style- Cosette Tapestry @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style- Cosette Lamp 1 and 2 @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style- Cosette Table @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style- Cosette Puf @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style- Cosette Plant @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style-New Autumn Leaves
Clutter Home - Noho Austen Book Pile @Lost and Found
Clutter Home - Noho Table Lamp @Lost and Found
Clutter Home - Noho Occasional Table @Lost and Found
::FG:: ivy B (full color)
*YS&YS* Holborn Hanging Ivy

Thursday, July 21, 2016



Building:  Scarlet Creative Tree Tops Ground Version

Second Spaces - Command Center - banana @The Epiphany
*EXCLUSIVE*Second Spaces - Command Center - mail organizer @The Epiphany
~BAZAR~ California- Reading lamp
Kalopsia - Sadie's Stools - Black @Kustom9
Kalopsia - Sadie's Art - Tacos @Kustom9
MishMish - Kitties go to market - Computer RARE @The Epiphany
Aphrodite Summer flowers
junk. cobblers bench. dark.
Soy. Hanging notice board [woman]
{vespertine} - hare automata.
{vespertine} preserved parchments / 3
{vespertine} - orange vintage phone
POST / Old Found Notebooks
POST: Manuscript Notebook
POST: Darkbloom Tattered Journal
POST / Adult Reading #89
Compulsion Topiary Planter
Dreamscape Decor *Books with dwarf* B
Lark - Divination (Avatar Attach)
tarte. hunter lamp
May Tolsen steampunk wings map
01 *YS&YS* Riciclo Set Cabinet RARE
!APHORISM! Wooden Stool with Book & Chain
--ANHELO-M18MD-166GA :: strawberry planter

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

So Boho


Building:  [tmk] skyroom Fifty Linden Fridays

.:revival:. lazy daybed white @TMD
[CIRCA] - "Cyprus Oasis" Nubbly Area Rug
[ARIA] Hayden Table Light - Brass
[ARIA] Delilah decorative Birch trio
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Flip Flops (Decoration Only)
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Table @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Cherrys Bowl @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Burlap Bowls @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Rugs Basket @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Basket @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Rug @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Picture @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Life is Wonderful Lights Curtain @Tres Chic
Serenity Style - Bingo Frame
Serenity Style- Old Checkers
Soy. Water-Mashroom w/ Moss ball Fifty Linden Fridays
Soy. Water-Mashroom w/Water bowl Fifty Linden Fridays
junk. vintage stage light. Fifty Linden Fridays
{anc} forget. Swallow [sugerwhite] 5Li
Compulsion Topiary Planter
[Con.] Garden Branch Bench PG - Mono @Fameshed
Pink Acid Baby Hippo Female Floral Brown RARE @The Epiphany
:HAIKEI: Container Plan Gacha / {3} bicycle @Kustom9
[MF] Wild bird totem
[MF] Mesh ivy garden shrub
[MF] Owl house mailbox post

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Forest Dream


Building:  DRD Gazebo rusted

[CIRCA] - "Forest Dream" Festival Swing - Long - Skye 34pos @Indie Teepee
[CIRCA] - "Forest Dream" Festival Swing - Long - Violet 34pos @Indie Teepee
[CIRCA] - "Forest Dream" Festival Swing - Long -IvoryPink 34pos @Indie Teepee
[CIRCA] - "Forest Dream" Festival Swing - Long -IvorySky 34pos @Indie Teepee
{anc} ripple. oil .for light space ver [L]1Li
{anc} bubbles . pole 1prim /MC
HPMD* Garden Tree03 - simple white
HPMD* floorArt01 (pPinkA)



Building:  DRD Mystery mansion  c/m

:CP: Book Nook Fort RARE @The Epiphany 
:CP: Book Nook Chandelier - Exclusive Item @The Epiphany 
27 - 8f8 - Storyteller's Burrow - Old armchair
DRD MM library bookshelf c/m
DRD MM library bookshelf 2
DRD MM library desk
DRD MM library books
DRD MM trunk c/m
*ionic* - The teacher mice 
*ionic* - The student mice 
OO_Ruined rug 2

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Virtual Living


Building:  Scarlet Creative Mesh - For Lyla External (an oldie but a goodie)

Kalopsia - Lilo's Frame - Pineapple
Kalopsia - Lilo's Frame - Flamingo
MudHoney Hudson Lamp - Silver
The Loft & Aria - Harmon Credenza @Collabor88
The Loft & ARIA - Harmon Sofa PG - White @Collabor88
The Loft & Aria - Harmon Cactus and Books @Collabor88
The Loft & ARIA - Harmon Floor Lamp Red @Collabor88
The Loft & ARIA - Harmon Potted Aspidistra @Collabor88
The Loft & Aria - Harmon Little plant @Collabor88
[ARIA] Delilah ottoman (PG) - N-TwentyOne exclusive
[ARIA] Piper uphostered bench
[ARIA] Thea stone bowl with apples
[ARIA] Vesna upcycled tulips
The Loft & Aria  - Hexa Industrial Table
The Loft & Aria - Jabode Mirror
The Loft & Aria - Jabode Wall Sconce
The Loft - Canoe
[ARIA] Ophelia rug
KAZZA - Time Room Set - armchair adult
+CONVAIR+ Pipe Chandelier #1 long
Trompe Loeil - Paper Lamp Twist
ionic : minimal needs : Ivy Divider @The Chapter Four
hive // antiques sign
[yen] frog
Picnic fish DU5,ltd (hi LI)
{RW} Midshimmer Topiary [2 LI]
{RW} Midshimmer Topiary [1 LI]

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Faded Memory


Building:  02 - 8f8 - primavera in Toscana Manor RARE

ARIA & The Loft - Llias Rug
Ariskea[Isabelle] Hydrangea Vase [Greeny]
~BAZAR~ Toronto-Bedroom books&glasses
ChiMia:: Ephemeral Fireplace (White Rust)
Compulsion Ornate Mirror
Concept}Lalia Wood Table
Kalopsia - Topiary
KAZZA - Time Room Set - armchair adult
[ keke ] bastet cat figure
LTD Chains Cushion (Subdued)
NOMAD // Test Tube Orchid Red
[PM}Pixel Mode - Beaded Chandelier - Naturals 2
Dog - Mesh by Jipe Loon

Childhood Dreams


22769 ~ [bauwerk] Beach Torch
:CP: Margarita Beach Sandcastle
:CP: Margarita Beach Bucket
Serenity Style - My Little Town @Project Se7en

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Cabin


Building:  Trompe Loeil - Stella River Barge

Soy. Reed Screen [Sudare] Dark -Half rolled
[ keke ] bottle of spring water
Apple Fall Nauticus Shell Vessel (Summerfest Gift)
..::TH::.. Wall Chair 2
..::THOR::.. Restroom Sign
..::THOR::.. Bucket of Daisies
..::THOR::.. Paper Bag + Sheets + feather
:CP: Homemade Boho Table @The Mens Department, July 2016
:CP: Homemade Boho Rug @The Mens Department, July 2016
Second Spaces - Memories low bed (blanc) @Collabor88, July 2016
Mutresse-Drumming-Witty Cats
hive // rentals sign
hive // hanging bucket lamp [teal]
hive // cabana boy wanted sign [hanging version]
floorplan. ahoy plank

Saint Vivien de Medoc


AF Feuilles Lantern
~BAZAR~ Crete-Potted wall tree (left)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Saint Vivien de Medoc
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Secret Garden Amphore with Armillary Sphere
*K* Highclere Manor Formal Garden Stone Base
*~*HopScotch*~* Take a ride - Female

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Automatic Watering System


Building:  01_8f8 - New Beginnings - Cottage Cairn's Haven RARE

[ keke ] wild lilies - big - white @The Forest, opening July 11, 2016
[ keke ] wild lilies - big - red @The Forest, opening July 11, 2016
striped mocha - floating watering can - plain mint/flowery can @We Love to Roleplay
striped mocha - floating watering can - peach @We Love to Roleplay
Apple Fall Apiary Bee Hive White (Short)
Apple Fall Apiary Bee Hive Mixed (Tall)
Garden by anc slight wildgrass {flash green} / SCREW 1Li
{anc} cotton bunnies. sugar [I] 1Li
.01 [ kunst ] - Neva's tricycle RARE
Trompe Loeil - Driftwood Pathway Planter Hanging 1 (Logo)
Heart - WildFlowers - Foxgloves - White - Patch 4 @Fameshed, July, 2016
Heart - Wild Flowers - Garlic Mustard - Blue - Patch 4 @Fameshed, July, 2016
*alirium* tiny forest : green



Building:  [MF] Antique rotunda

[ zerkalo ] Fairy Bathing Light - Bathtube PG @Fameshed
[ keke ] sacred lotus in zinc basin - purple
[ keke ] sacred lotus in zinc basin - white
[ keke ] sacred lotus flowers
[ keke ] wild lilies - big - white @The Forest, opening July 11, 2016
[ keke ] wild lilies - big - blush @The Forest, opening July 11, 2016
Garden by anc slight wildgrass {flash green} / SCREW 1Li
[yen]Frog statue typeA Big
[yen]Frog statue typeA mini
[yen]Frog statue typeB Big
[yen]Frog statue typeB mini
*alirium* tiny forest : green

The Last Refuge


Building:  AF Paris Loft Skybox RARE

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Drum Planter
!Six o'clock! Vintage Disk Player (Lost and Found, June 2016)
ARIA & The Loft - Llias Rug
.:revival:. basket books @Fameshed, July 2016
.:revival:. pillow XL @Fameshed, July 2016
.:revival:. oriental table @Fameshed, July 2016
.:revival:. canvas lantern @Fameshed, July 2016
.:revival:. votives II @Fameshed, July 2016
.:revival:. lazy daybed white @The Men's Department, July 2016
.:revival:. light branches
Kaerri Mason Jar Gerberas in Carrier
[ kunst ] & Abiss - Telescope / brushed
BackBone Zombie Apocalypse Tool Rack
Soy. Old books with coffee
Soy. Bare tree
Soy. Pine branch
florplan. the optometrist's locker
floorplan. the fossil elk
floorplan. monoceros chart frame
floorplan. the head or the heart
{Indyra} Calloway Table: Brass



Building:  [PM]Pixel Mode - The Marcus Studio Apartment

Kalopsia - Scaffold Bedroom
Kalopsia - Garage Shelf
Kalopsia - Garage Hanging Lamp
Kalopsia - Diving Helmet (Copper)
Kalopsia - Cans Mess
[ zerkalo ] Handcuff Chair - Fur
[ zerkalo ] Imprisoned Bronze - Slave Ring Single @We Love Roleplay
[ zerkalo ] Imprisoned Bronze - Slave Cage Single @We Love Roleplay
*Drot* - Satans little Helpers previous Arcade item
[MF] broken antique mirror (Marketplace)
[MF] crying skeleton (Marketplace)
[Breno] Elk horns
DRD MM walltextures previous Arcade item
DRD MM attic junkpile previous Arcade item
KAZZA - Time Room Set - big wall clock @The Chapter Four
KAZZA - Time aRoom Set - diving dress @The Chapter Four
Miscellaneous boxes and packaging

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Party Time


Building:  [ba] bozeman barn

Apple Fall Route 66 Sign
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Barrel Planter
Kalopsia - Mugshot Frames
..::THOR::.. Refurnished Rim Stool @The Crossroads
..::THOR::.. Refurnished Pickup Bar @The Crossroads
..::THOR::.. Recycled Can Lamp @The Crossroads
..::THOR::.. Draft Beer Serving @The Crossroads
..::THOR::..Thor Pilsener Mug (rez) @The Crossroads
..::THOR::.. Bucket of Daisies
.:revival:. retro turntable I plaids
.:revival:. wood crate seat
.:revival:. beer crates
.:revival:. trolley
.:revival:. backyard bar
.:revival:. arrow light
.:revival:. California road sign
.:revical:. deco signs rusty
.:revival:. oh deer
.:revival:. pipe light
7 - Route 66 Sign
7 - Stop Sign
7 - Brooklyn Battery
[PM]Pixel Mode  - Route 66 Wall Light w/plug Wood
*YS&YS* Holborn Hanging Ivy
(fd) Cat - 02 Sleeping Curled
(fd) Cat - 11 Sitting
[ContraptioN] Decor: Barrel Joint Bar Lights



~BAZAR~ Crete-Potted wall tree (left) @Shiny Shabby
Serenity Style- Caravan RARE @The Crossroads
Serenity Style- Camping Balloons Light Line @The Crossroads
Serenity Style- Camping Chair @The Crossroads
Serenity Style- Camping Crates @The Crossroads
Kalopsia - Lilo's Beach Bag - Cactus @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Flamingo Fan @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Pillow - Pineapple @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Pineapple Lantern @The Chapter Four
Soy. Plaster Side Table
[we're CLOSED] old fence 2
[we're CLOSED] swing white wood
dust bunny . summer picnic . picnic basket RARE
!Six o'clock! Earthquaked Lighthouse
LISP - Mesh - Firepit Bowl with Sits/Props/Lid - Copper

Lazy Afternoon


Building:  L2 Studio Beach View House 115 prims

:CP: Lilith Hammock
Kalopsia - Lilo's Beach House - Pineapple RARE @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Chair - Pineapple @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Flamingo Fan @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Pineapple Lantern @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Pillow - Pineapple @The Chapter Four
Kalopsia - Lilo's Beach Bag - Pineapple @The Chapter Four
dust bunny . pineapple drink
[we're CLOSED] wooden sofa white
LISP - Mesh - Firepit Bowl with Sits/Props/Lid - Copper
Soy. Plaster Side Table

Sunday, July 3, 2016

In the Hamptons


Building:  ** Beach House SAN ROSA - REDGRAVE

MudHoney Cora Chaise PG - White @The Crossroads
Kalopsia - Drawer Shelf - White
Kalopsia - Bicolore Vase - Coral
AF Books
{af} Icon Tower Lamp {Lust}
The Loft - Linen Trim Rug Brown
Soy. Reed Screen [Sudare] Dark -Half rolled
Soy. Water-Mashroom w/ Moss ball
:CP: DiMaggio Patriotic Shelf
DRD Pergola wicker treebasket
{Petite Maison} Fenton Stars @The Crossroads
dust bunny . basket table
dust bunny . blanket stool
dust bunny . coral bottle . white and blue
Culprit StarFishy
Culprit Ancient One
Culprit Fishy Boxes
Culprit Furniture Fat Orange Fish
:Fanatik Architecture: Column 3
Apt B \\ Dalton Snake Plant (free gift) @The Crossroads

To the Birds


Building:  Trompe Loeil - The Chatham Loft Skybox Light (with surround)

ARIA & The Loft - Llias Rug @Collabor88
:CP: Wire Birds Bed (PG) @Fameshed
:CP: Wire Birds Side Table @Fameshed
:CP: Wire Birds Table Lamp @Fameshed
:CP: Wire Birds Chest of Drawers @Fameshed
:CP: Sabine Tulips In Water @Fameshed
:CP: Birds on a Wire Lamp @Fameshed
:CP: Heart On a Wire Bench (PG)
:CP: Poppy Birdcage Lightstring
:CP: Woodcutter Corner Heart Wreath
[Con.] Bluebird String Light Trellis
+Half-Deer+ The Mad Scientist's Bird - Steel-Red
+Half-Deer+ The Mad Scientist's Birdcage
+Half-Deer+ Baby Kraken - Sour Apple
7 -  Handpainted Target - Framed Fifty Linden Fridays
junk. kitsch bird lamp.
HPMD* stuffed bird/ice greenA
HPMD* stuffed bird/yellowA
Fancy Decor: Framed Target Paper
Toby Howton Owl Watcher

Saturday, July 2, 2016

California Ranch


Building:  [CIRCA] - "The View" Studio Sky Build - Sea Colours @Home Whimsy

ARIA & The Loft - Llias Rug @Uber
*Y's HOUSE* OMISE002_Hiyoke (W frame/12 tex/7prims) (awning)
Artisan Fantasy Lattice Arbor 1B
:CP: Weekender Bench Neutral (Adult)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Barrel Planter
Botanical - Vintage Porch Mailbox (Orange)
DRD Pergola  wicker relaxingchair 2 @Shiny Shabby
DRD Pergola wicker sidetable @Shiny Shabby
DRD Pergola wicker relaxingchair 1 @Shiny Shabby
JIAN :: Squirrel Feeder Fifty Linden Fridays
Soy. Potted Pothos [Ssize]
Soy. Potted Ponytail Palm [Ssize]
Heart - Ox Eye Daisies - Bush - Small 1



Building:  Trompe Loeil - The Chatham Loft Skybox Light (with surround)

NOMAD // Shark Tail Wall Decor // Silver
*~MMG's~* Balloon tree [light]_18prim
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Retro Pod Chair -Rainbow Pink/Prpl 22pos @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Retro Pod Chair -Rainbow Org/Ocean 22pos @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Floor Cushion - Pink (12 pos ) @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Floor Cushion - Aqua (12 pos ) @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Floor Cushion w/ Blkt - Hot Org (9 pos) @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Merkaba Light Strand - Neon Orange Short @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Merkaba Light Strand - Neon Green Short @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Merkaba Light Strand - Neon Blue Short @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Merkaba Light Strand - Neon Purple Short @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Retro Leafy Planter - Tan @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Retro Leafy Planter - Aqua @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Controller Table - Classic @Geektopia
[CIRCA] - "Game NerdZ" Retro Hive Wall Shelf - Aqua/Green/Org @Geektopia
Aphrodite Rocking Dragon
Aphrodite Dragon Punch Toy
Aphrodite Dragonrider
Aphrodite -Family Dragon- Rug
BackBone Snake Plant
BackBone Gears Mirror
<:*BoOgErS*:> Number Train
<:*BoOgErS*:> Robena the Robot
Intrigue Co. - Rocket Lava Lamp: Dark Matter - Purple

Friday, July 1, 2016

Favorite Things


~BAZAR~ Glamping tent (Master)
~BAZAR~ Crete- Hammock chair @Shiny Shabby
~BAZAR~ Crete-Potted wall tree (right) @Shiny Shabby
:CP: Catherine Piano White (Adult) @N21
[ keke ] 'omg its hot' glass - ice, dispenser, table @TLC
[ keke ] bastet cat figure @Uber
[ zerkalo ] Low Bed - PG
[ zerkalo ] Sea Breeze - Pillows Light @Shiny Shabby
[ zerkalo ] Sea Breeze - Stone Candles @Shiny Shabby
[ zerkalo ] Sea Breeze - Tent Light- RARE @Shiny Shabby
[ zerkalo ] Sea Breeze - Lamp Light @Shiny Shabby
[ zerkalo ] Sea Breeze - Sign @Shiny Shabby
ARIA & The Loft - Llias  Kentia palm planter @Uber
ARIA & The Loft - Llias Rug @Uber
Soy. Old books with coffee
Soy. Pine branch



Building:  [ba] south beach penthouse skybox

~BAZAR~ - Crete-Door decoration @Shiny Shabby
~BAZAR~ - Crete-Succulents @Shiny Shabby
~BAZAR~ - Crete-Stool table @Shiny Shabby
~BAZAR~ - Crete-Basket 01, 03 @Shiny Shabby
~BAZAR~ - Crete-Potted wall tree (right) @Shiny Shabby
ARIA & The Loft - Llias Pouf - White @Uber
ARIA & The Loft - Llias Rug @Uber
Aria & The Loft - Llias Chair Aqua @Uber
Aria & The Loft - Llias Chair White @Uber
Aria & The Loft - Llias Chair Mixed @Uber
ARIA & The Loft - Llias Pouf - Pink @Uber
ARIA & The Loft - Llias Tray With Vases @Uber
ARIA & The Loft - Llias  Kentia palm planter @Uber
Soy. Bare tree
Soy. Pine branch @Collabor88 SLB13 Free Gift
Soy. Old books with coffee
DRD Pergola wicker treebasket @Shiny Shabby
DRD Pergola buckets @Shiny Shabby
[ Organica ] Hanging Bamboo Herb Planter

Love to cook

  CREDITS: Apple Fall Hanging Wicker Basket Apple Fall Country Table Apple Fall Gourds in Vintage Bowl DRD - Eclectic Kitchen cabinets/appli...