Thursday, March 19, 2015

Basement Apartment


Building:  [Fetch] Suldaan Skybox 1 - The Secret Affair

[Fetch] Suldaan Road Sign, [Fetch] Suldaan Welcome Sign - The Secret Affair

[Fetch] Abandoned Track, Kuu Set - Space Junk Bed - PG (RARE), Trophy Weapon Wall Art, Abandoned Sign, Freak Show sign

.:revival:. storm lantern black, book pile 2, arrow light, book pile 1, beer crates, old door,  tool shelf, scrapbook

[ keke ] - bulb stand - chrome

[ARIA] Parma potted cactus small

[noctis] bottles and pills

Bazar - Cactus

Apple Fall -{af} Omega BJ

7 - Safety Days Sign, The Filmore Factory Clock,  - Filmore Amsterdam Sign

Junk - salvaged spring stool, redfern chair.  mint chocolate, leather T chair. bronze,  pulley ceiling light, electric leopard rug, barrel stool. turquoise leather, junk. vintage football print, vintage  boxer print, vintage baseball print, step ladder shelf. plant, pommel horse bench. - The Men's Department

[Con.] Jack's Bugout Shelter - Animal Skulls', Jack's Bugout Shelter - Dont shoot sign, Tripod Theatre Light, Open Road Collection - Bobblehead, Jack's Bugout Shelter - Caution sign, Jack's Bugout Shelter - Weapon shelf

floorplan -  target practice dartboard, a plethora of axes, the fossil elk

Second Spaces - area 51 comics, Flea Market Finds - old card catalog drawers, Flea Market Finds - crate of old music

PILOT - Moto Lamp [Tan], Larkin Set - Cactus Planter, Speciman Chest

Culprit - Culprit Cactus Patch 1

:CP: Bureau de Brioude Hanging Heart Planter, Guirlande de Brioude, Southern Porch Overheated Plant, Fish! Rug

DECO - MESH SlingPack male large (magma)

NOMAD // Armillary

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Glass Bottle with Drape

FLECHA - sculpted water bottle DEMO

(epia) - Geiger Counter

*A*NGR Gacha TriangulationMark GoldLI2 (Rez)

[Breno] Fallout Critter- Slugosaur

*Funky*Junk* Cactus (Tall)

.:SF:. "Xochitl" Flowering Potted Cactus (Azul)

{what next} Magazine Pile

FD: Mounted Turtle Shell PILOT - Specimen Chest

The Loft - Fisherman  Light Teal

Eduardos Ducatillon - Lounge Magazines - 7 textures
~Dirty Deeds~ BEER Bottles
heath.pevensey - [][]bs[][] - magazines
Jiovi Michigan - Retro TV
Denise Rowlands - round cactus in bag
Scamander - Bulwark French End Table 1
TTenk - Poor Man's Kitchenette

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  CREDITS: BAZAR~Majastic Circus Big Tent -DRD- Circus  - 2025 Special - 10 Years Later @The Outlet