Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's Official - Halloween Season is Upon Us

Kalopsia is participating in Fifty Shades of Uber.  Her contribution - DEAR MR. GREY - includes two beautiful leather chairs (either PG or ADULT), a spider end table and rug - animal skins Grrrrrr!!!! - so hot.

I'm heavy into the Gothic, Halloween mode this month, so I added Kalopsia's sexy Coffin Couch and accessories as well as pieces from the queen of Dark Victorian design - Yelly Donut (yelena.istmal) from [noctis].






Building:  Hackberry Hall Manor - Never Totally Dead
Environment Setting:  Bryn Oh's Annas Many Murders (Firestorm), edited with PicMonkey

Kalopsia - Armchair Brown (ADULT), Armchair Black (ADULT), Spider Endtable, Rug (Fifty Shades of Uber)

Kalopsia - Coffin Couch (Brown) PG, Cognac Chair, Books Pile, Old Clock, Old Letters, Old Box (Green),  Fancy Statue with tie, Orchids (Diped in Gold), Red Riding Hood Chair, Wolf Trophy Head, Flying Paper, Diving Helmet (Copper),

[noctis] - Casket floral lidded, HUD texture change and animations, Magus supplies on plynth, Tropical mix urn 3 steam plynth (texture change), Mourning Candelabra w florals, Antique tea caddy metal/burllwood, Godmother Nina's Crow trophy (light), Aunt Marina's Reindeer trophy Red Eyes,  Baron Von Scarlet ceiling lamp Always on

Spargel & Shine Homes - Madame Bergeret, Portrait of Charles Joseph Natoire, Woman with Bouquet of Roses, Europea, Charms of Country Life
Apple Fall - AF Rose Bouquet, AF Teacup Rose, AF Pocket Watch, AF Blueberries, AF Teacup Teal
LISP - Single Raven, Grandma Has a Visitor Basket (wolf head in basket), Crown Tabletop Dummy
[Breno] - Elk horns
Arcadia Asylum - Cargo Container (E) (old Marketplace item)
(arcade) - Jackalope Trophy
Alchemy - Fenris The Great Wolf - Red, Fenris The Great Wolf - Snow
.a i s l i n g.  - Simple Sign -Wolf, My Dear Deer
Jon Haskell - antelope  trophy 1, antelope  trophy, Kudu  trophy
22769 ~ [bauwerk] - Oh Deer (decorated) (with pants and bra)
.:Standby Inc. - Faux-idermy - Momma Bear (Dark), Faux-idermy - Papa Elk (Dark)
::BB:: Wall Mounted Deer Head (MESH), Deer Rug
EoD - Deer Head

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