Monday, August 31, 2015

Kitchen Essentials

On the eve of September's The Arcade, I wanted to do up a little something for the kitchen.


Building:  Scarlet Creative Hudson Townhouse 1

Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - drying rack @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - canisters  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - recipes RARE @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - cutting boards  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - cookbooks  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - scale  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - knife block  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - utensil crocks  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - seasoning  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - napkins & towels  @ The Arcade
Second Spaces - Kitchen Collection - wall rack RARE  @ The Arcade

Second Spaces - industrial baker's rack (empty)
Second Spaces - industrial baker's rack
Second Spaces - Flea Market Finds - vintage lunch boxes
*Second Spaces* Ready to Bake - cookie cutters
/artilleri/ Honolulu table lamp *v1*
7. AF Bags of Flour
6. AF Mixing Bowl Set
5. AF Copper Pan Set
Lark - Baking Tins
Picnic antique colander - yelow
POST / Stacked Kiln-fired Bowl (sm)
POST / Stacked Plates
POST / Fresh Baked Bread
floorplan. recipe tin
[ kunst ] - Biscuit tin box / light blue
Sari-Sari - Herb Garden Table
Sari-Sari - Vertical Herb Garden
=Zenith=Kettle (Milk)
.07 [ kunst ] - Pot #2
[ Organica ] Hanging Bamboo Herb Planter
:CP: Yukon Kitchen (PG)
:CP: Yukon Kitchen Island (PG)
:CP: Yukon Kitchen Stool (PG)
:CP: Lanai Milk Can
*ionic* Timmy (Mice)
!Ohmai Emporium: Nifflers

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Rainy Day

Everyone likes Sin - sin is fun.

Check out the Festival of Sin to see just how much fun you can have!


BUILDING:  Scarlet Creative Hudson Townhouse 1

MudHoney Lust Artwork - Beg (available at Festival of Sin)
MudHoney Lust Artwork - Bound  (available at Festival of Sin)
MudHoney Lust Artwork - Desire  (available at Festival of Sin)
MudHoney Jessie Chair Adult - Sedona  (available at Festival of Sin)
MudHoney Jessie Chair w/ blanket Adult - Sedona  (available at Festival of Sin)
MudHoney Laura Sofa
MudHoney Eva Coffee Table
[ keke ] rez-day cake No 7  (available at The Arcade - September 2015)
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Wall Light (available at The Arcade - September 2015)
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Bell  (available at The Arcade - September 2015)
Second Spaces - vintage deco jacks
Apple Fall Strung Branch Pendant Light
Apple Fall Coffee & Muffin
Apple Fall Leather Moccasins
Apple Fall Masculine Bar
Apple Fall Vintage Neon
Apple Fall Neva's Laundry Basket (with white sticks)
Apple Fall Martins' Busker Guitar
Apple Fall Nardyas' Tulips in Mason Jar
Kalopsia - Oversized Distressed Clock (Dark)
Kalopsia - Fancy Statue
{what next} Maison Drapes (long length)
N4RS Harvard Persian Rug
{anc} flottante puppies cream 
POST / Bohus Art Glass Cocktail Set (red)
Casita - LoveWishDream Bottles
Stockholm&Lima: The Alchemist's Shot Glass Tray
OO_Ruined rug 1
.: Standby Inc. - Stack o' Games

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Amazing the junk you can find in an old barn!

Pixel Mode - The Arcade September 2015


Building:  Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Barn - THE ARCADE

Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Bell - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Lost Art - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Wall Light - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Barrel Display - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Clucky's Feed - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Hanging Log Lights - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Windmill Ceiling Fan - THE ARCADE
Pixel Mode - Fall Harvest - Wagon Wheels - THE ARCADE
.:revival:. wagon dark
.:revival:. book pile leather brown
.:revival:. clock leaning
.:revival:. cart seater dark
Kalopsia - Staglady Statue
Kalopsia - Magazine Pile (Summer Edition)
Kalopsia - Tarot Cards
Kalopsia - Diving Helmet (Copper)
Kalopsia - Basket (with flowers)
Kalopsia - Iron Chair - Black
Kalopsia - Broken Chair
Kalopsia - Old Box (Red)
Kalopsia - Jack (Vintage) RARE
Kalopsia - Fall Wreath
Kalopsia - Old Letters
Apple Fall Gachatopia Safe
BAZAR - Stockholm-Bicycle stand-alone (decoration)
Soy. Men's Torso Mannequin (long)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Supplies Barrel
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Damaged Cart
:CP: Lanai Hanging Candle Jar
Apt B // Rusted Car Seat -PG-
Apt B // Farm Living Rug
Apt B // The Industrial Side - Big Cabinet
{anc} cotton bunny. cappuccino [E] 1Li
[ContraptioN] Classic Leg Prosthesis *default*
{what next} Orchard Fallen Apples Decor
{what next} Orchard Basket
{what next} Orchard Ladder
7 - Everything Sign
Ex Machina - Birokrat 2 - Bookkeeping desk
NOMAD // Fortune Teller
cinphul // Lavande [Cosmo Gift]
MishMish - German Shepherd sitting
Lordisma Sheperd - Corn Field Brown Copy/Mod
LB_Orange Poppies{Field}
*~*HopScotch*~* Take a ride - Female
[we're CLOSED] old fence 1
Razor Bird - Old Desk
Awesome Breed Creations - Donkey

The Sauna



Sauna – The [Den.] @ Uber

Soy. Stacking towels
Flecha - Bottled Water
BAZAR - Arizona House - Sauna Towel

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We Will Eat Cake


Building:  {vespertine} -sailor's creaky shack

[ keke ] rez-day cakes for THE ARCADE September 2015
[ keke ] glass vase w magnolias - blush
[ keke ] lab vase w magnolias
[ keke ] bottled roses heart  - blush
[ keke ] bottled roses - pink
Shiny Shabby_Teddy Deer
[PM] Pixel Mode - Victoria Chandlier
[PM]Pixel Mode - Victoria Hutch
Apple Fall Recycled Wood Sideboard
AF Rose Bouquet
Apple Fall Neva's Kitchen Shelf RARE
Apple Fall Pottery Dining Chair
Apple Fall Wingback Chair
Apple Fall Roses Box (Pink) 1
Apple Fall Thistle
AF Teacup Teal
AF Teacup Rose
Apple Fall Handbag & Scarf
4. AF Reaching Plant
8. AF Stepladder
2. AF Rockin' Robin RARE
Vagabond - Pearl's Table
Vagabond - Pearl's Birdie Cage
Kalopsia - Sakura Delice - Lanterns
Kalopsia - Lace Curtain Right
floorplan. dictionary prints
LISP - Mesh - Anna Floor Lamp Cream
HIDEKI - Donut Shelf

Reading in Bed


Building:  22769 ~ [bauwerk] The Hatake House

Kalopsia - Chandelier
Apple Fall Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace (Black)
[ keke ] glass vase w magnolias - pink
Scarlet Creative Safari Bed Plain
Intrigue Co. - Flutter Books (Steel Blue)
NOMAD // Vintage Mannequins
Fancy Decor: Simple Candelabra
Vagabond - crate
Vagabond - Peggy's Pony (TD size)
junk. pillow chair. fox.
junk. chest bench. no.78.
*bbqq*-curtain V2-Silk-A
Kaerri - Butterfly Topiary Small Grey
8f8 - 12. Our Secret Hideout - Butterfly Spot
11.erratic / coc - queen alexandra's birdwing butterfly frame
Stockholm&Lima: Little Butterfly Boxes
BAZAR - Traveler-Butterfly frame
Hideki - Butterfly Taxidermy
LISP - Feathers 2 Specimen Pic
{vespertine}-beetle collector 2
{vespertine}-beetle collector 1
{vespertine}-moth collector
{vespertine}-moth collector 2
{what next} Butterfly Alarm Clock
Y's House - linen rug

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Artist's Studio


Building:  Scarlet Creative Noelle Chalet Modern Prefab - $50L at the MarketPlace

.:revival:. love seat oak - ADULT @ Shiny Shabby
.:revival:. leather lantern brown @ Shiny Shabby
.:revival:. blanket to go 'linen'
.:revival:. book pile & candle 1
.:revival:. book pile & candle 2
.:revival:. book pile leather brown
.:revival:. book pile 2
Apple Fall Straw Broom
Apple Fall Canvas Tote
[ARIA] Delilah decorative canvas pile
concept} PillowMe - Boro
Con.&floorplan. Branch Light
LISP - Mesh - Candle Diffuser Tray - With Flame 3li - Dark
junk. wil's drafting board.
junk. cream animal rug.
junk. cactus. ball.
junk. cactus. pilosus.
junk. morrison bar table.
junk. morrison wall art light.
Soy. Superlong potted cactus B w/stand
Soy. Superlong potted cactus A w/stand
:CP: Heart On a Wire Road Art 1
:CP: Country Dreaming Repurposed Wall Light
:CP: Salty Bar Light
[ zerkalo ] Beginning of the Day - Magazines
*ionic* Forest Stump (leafy)
{ ililo } morning chair



Shiny Shabby


Building:  Scarlet Creative Noelle Chalet Modern Prefab - $50L at the MarketPlace

[ keke ] tray cart - steel @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] vase with flower - green @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] vase - green @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] vase with flower - lilac @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] vase - blush @ Shiny Shabby
[ARIA] Leonora Two Sitter Sofa (PG) @ N21
Apple Fall 'Lucky Numbers' Cigarettes & Tray
Apple Fall Gilt Frame (Sea Campion Study)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Four Coffee Table Books
Soy. Orange juice
The Loft - Mayer Rug
The Loft - Roxanne Lamp White
The Loft - Aurelia Chair  Orange
POST: Hillsboro Afterburner Floor Lamp (lighter)
:CP: Salty Bar Art
junk. cactus. ball.
junk. cactus. saguaro.
junk. cactus. pilosus.
[ba] retro chair PG - blue
[ba] retro end table
[ba] triangle print curtains
Lark - Bird Nerd - Book & Binoculars
:FANATIK: Wall Shelf Oak Wood
floorplan. the illiad book
Painter Meriman - Kidney Shape Coffee Table
Alouette - Candy Jars - Orange
+Half-Deer+ Winged Cat - Lazy @ Collabor88
[ kunst ] - Pot #1 @ Shiny Shabby
[ kunst ] - Biscuit tin box / orange
Dutchie Dieffenbachia
hide Mint - *Little Hopper* UFO orange-green
Culprit Furniture Blue Angel Fish
Culprit Furniture Banded Copper Fish
Culprit Furniture Fat Orange Fish
Tara Tagore - Orange Platter
[ zerkalo ] Beginning of the Day - Magazines

Friday, August 21, 2015

Rooftop Garden



Patio - vespertine metamorphosis/yard

striped mocha - wall fountain @ Cosmopolitan
[ keke ] vase with flower - green @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] vase - green @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] pebbles - i <3 u @ Shiny Shabby
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Tuscany Garden Chair Rust
{anc} flottante puppy. milk . layA 2Li @ Collabor88
::FG:: potted cyclamen / red
TTR-Potted Lemon Topiary Shadow
TTR-Potted Orange Topiary-Shadow
Trompe Loeil - Lit Topiary Bucket Metal
*AF* Paperwhites Wooden Trough Lg
Spargel & Shine - Urn & Plinth with Orange Flowers

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Love to Decorate The Event



Building:  *bbqq*-The hours house

MudHoney Marissa Console Table - Walnut @ LTD The Event
MudHoney Marissa Lamp - Tan @ LTD The Event
MudHoney Marissa Mirror @ LTD The Event
MudHoney Marissa Chair - Tan @ LTD The Event
Ex Machina - Terrarium 1 @ Cosmopolitan Event
.:revival:. book pile 1
Apple Fall Mandrake Plant
AF Nelly the Ele
AF Old Coat
AF Huge Fan Palm
Apple Fall Canvas Tote
N4RS Siena Rug
:CP: Outdoor Movies Pouffe Hessian
Apt B // Farm Living Alarm Clock
=Zenith=Little Groot touch/dance/Song ( REZ)
*HEXtraordinary* : Cranky Baby Mandrake
*HEXtraordinary* Carniverous Geranium
[KALAVINKA] poster2009/7~9 (no longer available)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Garden Cats


[ keke ] gustavian sofa - blush - 3 pers
[PM] Pixel Mode - Victoria Chandlier
[PM}Pixel Mode  -  Bird Cage
22769 ~ [bauwerk] My Daydream Garden Shed
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Memory Chair (preloaded Pictures)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Grandfathers Clock Shelf
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Postcards from Paris
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris Coffee Table Chair Pink
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Rustic Garden Amphore 2
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris End Table White
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris Table Lamp
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Vintage Letter Box
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Sloppy Garden Shed Rug
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris Coffee Table Books
junk. window frame lights.
*AF* Paperwhites Round Pot Sm
*AF* Paperwhites Wooden Trough Lg
dust bunny . spring reading
-tb- Spring Living - Pillow (Paris)
8f8 - 18. Our Secret Hideout - Secret Diary (pose)
8f8 - 13. Our Secret Hideout - Crate of Wisdom
8f8 - 19. Our Secret Hideout - Precious Thoughts
8f8 - 17. Our Secret Hideout - Our Memories
Apt B // Daydreamer Balloons
(fd) Cat - 11 Sitting
(fd) Cat - 02 Sleeping Curled

Warm Music

Love to Decorate The Event


Building:  {vespertine} -sailor's creaky shack

Kalopsia - Shell Armchair - Leather @ Love to Decorate The Event
Vagabond - Betsy's Reading Lamp @ Love to Decorate The Event
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris Table Lamp @ Love to Decorate The Event
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris End Table White @ Love to Decorate The Event
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Paris Coffee Table Books @ Love to Decorate The Event
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Grandfathers Clock Shelf
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Cafe Au Lait @ Love to Decorate The Event
[ keke ] tall bottled flowers - blue
[ keke ] sphere bottled flowers - white
LISP - Mesh - Artemis Fireplace - Bleached
:CP: Heart On a Wire Road Art 1
:CP: East Side Record Player
.:: ONE GRID ::. Orchid with Perls
[PM]Pixel Mode - Armillary  - Garden
[PM]Pixel Mode - Corbin Hanging Light - C
LTD Ruffles Cushion (1970)
LTD Bow Tie Cushion (1955)
Apt B // Raw Materials Gacha - Moose Mount
Eduardos Ducatillon - Authentic Box of records
The Loft - Scattered Records
The Loft - Solana Coffee Table Brown
.lame - Mimi's Rug *Ironwork

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Travelling Musician

Love to Decorate - The Event


Building:  Apple Fall Hardwick Manor

.:revival:. swing double short rope @ Love to Decorate The Event
.:revival:. wagon dark @ Love to Decorate The Event
.:revival:. lighthouse lantern white
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Sun Flowers in Milk Can
{anc} cotton bunnies
junk. barrel table.
Serenity Style- My Old Piano LINKED 1
cinphul // Lavande [Cosmo Gift]
DaZero Woodget - PickUP Rusty NO. 1 Update
*~*HopScotch*~* Take a ride - Female
:CP: Louis' Willow Chair B (PG)
:CP: Heart On a Wire Rug Pile
:CP: Whitby HayBales
:CP: Chloe's Milk Can Willows
:CP: Whitby Hanging Light (shorter)
*ionic* Musician Mice
dust bunny . hanging flower pot . blue
(iTuTu) lavender pot
(iTuTu) petit dahlia can /white
(iTuTu) petit dahlia can /yellow
(fd) Cat - 18 Peeking in Box RARE
(fd) Cat - 16 Curled In Box RARE
NOMAD // Classical Bust // .08
Apt B // Farm Living Old Washboards
[we're CLOSED] old fence 2
[we're CLOSED] tree 1D summer
Awesome Breed Creations - AGs-Barkley and Alfredo

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Silver Forest Shrine


Building:  Striped Mocha - Silver Forest Shrine

Plethora - Butterfly Voyage - Sepia Clef (MIX)
*alirium* nanohana (yellow grass)
*aG* tree of Hobbit B autumn
*aG* tree of Hobbit A autumn
.:SF:. "Sleeping Sun" Stand of 10 Trees
Mother Earth Wishing well Fountains
My Donkey - Awesome Breed Creation

Tuesday, August 4, 2015



Building:  [PM]Pixel Mode - The Marcus Studio Apartment

[PM]Pixel Mode - Chi Bed - Non Animated @ FAMESHED
[PM]Pixel Mode - Corbin Hanging Light - C
[PM]Pixel Mode - Levi  Wall Light - Oxidized Copper
Apple Fall Mandrake Plant
.:revival:. scrapbook
.:revival:. old door
.:revival:. sisal rug
.:revival:. book pile & candle 1
.:revival:. wall cushion II
junk. wood block shelves.
junk. barrel table.
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - Tossed Clothes
Fancy Decor: Worn Rug
*AF* Paperwhites Tall Pot Lg
Apt B // Farm Living Alarm Clock @ SHINY SHABBY
Apt B // Vintage Chest (previous SHINY SHABBY)
Apt B // Summer Travel Luggage RARE
*HEXtraordinary* : Cranky Baby Mandrake
=Zenith=Little Groot touch/dance only ( REZ)
cinphul // Lavande [Cosmo Gift]
[noctis] vintage Magazine Stack

End of the Day


Building:  Apple Fall Hardwick Manor @ FAMESHED

[ARIA] Deloros Bathroom Vanity (PG) @ FAMESHED
[ARIA] Deloros Decorative Silk Robe  @ FAMESHED
[ARIA] Deloros Bathtub (PG) @ FAMESHED
MudHoney Karen Sconce - Trellis
Apple Fall Book Shelf
Apple Fall Blanket Curio
Apple Fall Roses Jug
AF Dolly Lamp
Apple Fall Cottage Chair (Bleached)
MishMish - Kitteh Fan (black) @ MIX
LISP - Mesh - Faded Summer Rug - Baby Blue
Scarlet Creative Amelie Towel Rack Mod Trans
The Loft - Casolare Mirror White
Trompe Loeil - Classic Wicker Basket Closed White
Trompe Loeil - Classic Bathtub Shower Curtain

Monday, August 3, 2015

In the Moonlight


Building:  .:revival:. garden shed

.:revival:. lounge boat @ FAMESHED
.:revival:. lighthouse lantern brown @ FAMESHED

.:revival:. round cushion
.:revival:. boho tray black
.:revival:. hang out
.:revival:. woven bench with towel
.:revival:. candle bag leather

[ keke ] star cluster @ Collabor88

[we're CLOSED] rustic deck 3 - dark
[we're CLOSED] rustic deck 3 - dark

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Collection


Building:  [PM]Pixel Mode - The Marcus Studio Apartment

[ keke ] twinkling lights log - snow wood
[ keke ] snow jar - glitter
[ keke ] sphere bottled flowers - blush @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] tall bottled flowers - blue @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] sphere bottled flowers - white @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] sphere bottled flowers - blue @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] tall bottled flowers - blush @ Shiny Shabby
[ keke ] chandelier - star

junk. peacock frame. one.
junk. operator's chair. dark. (FREE GIFT @ NEW STORE)
Apple Fall Wingback Chair 4
Apple Fall Charlotte Dining Table
AF Temple Jars
AF Reaching Plant
The Loft - Roxy Square French Stamp Blue
{anc} garden. whitebook 4Li
[ kunst ] - Boho carpet #9
Claudia222.jewell - ccc geisha vase  mat + sit
JD Roman statue
BoatHouse Coastal Vased Shrubs
BoatHouse spode Ginger Jar
DecoFranzy - ~DF~ VaseMing01Mesh

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Abandoned in the Fields


Building:  Apple Fall Hardwick Manor @ FAMESHED

Apple Fall Rural Farmhouse RARE
{anc} cotton bunny. cappuccino [C] 1Li
[we're CLOSED] tree 1D summer
[we're CLOSED] old fence 2
[we're CLOSED] broken windmill
[we're CLOSED] tree 1D summer
LB_ Yellow Poppies{Rounded-Field}
Zigana - Jasmine 20x20 .1
DaZero Woodget - PickUP Rusty NO. 1 Update

Family Room


Building:  Scarlet Creative House on the Cliff

MudHoney Sydney Sofa - Chevron PG
MudHoney Sydney Sofa - White PG
MudHoney Victoria Chair - Navy
MudHoney Victoria Roses - Yellow
MudHoney Victoria Table - Black
MudHoney Felix Table - Beech (X3)
MudHoney Felix Frames
MudHoney Alex Books
MudHoney Bookcase accessories
MudHoney Metal Pumpkin small white
MudHoney Vases Tray
MudHoney Lucie Stool - Cream
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Tin Tea Box with roses
[noctis] dog gargoyle on corbel
{af} Tied Books
AF Fairfax Chair (Grey Gingham)
Pixel Mode - Writer's Room - Desk Clock
.:revival:. tube chandelier
.:revival:. scrapbook
.:revival:. linen lantern I, natural I
.:revival:. bell jar
.:revival:. candle bag linen
.:revival:. book pile leather black
Vagabond - Aja's Bookshelf Dark
{{BSD Design Studio}}- Tree table { silver}( w/s)[ copy/mod]
Scarlet Creative The Arcade June 15 - Artist Desk and Plant
The Loft - Mora Clock Red
Trompe Loeil - Roanna Sleigh Seat White
[ kunst ] - Boho carpet #9
Fancy Decor: Retro Radio
Soy. Men's Torso Mannequin (short)
DIGS - Milton Standing Lamp - Pewter
[we're CLOSED] linen rug grey
:CP: Heart on a Wire Branch Lamp
oyasumi / vase /w plant
[Con.] Arch Framed Flipper
{ ililo } Ind. Lamp (red)
Spargel - Curtain Panel Sheer White
[LJ] Historical Bust - Marble - The Maiden

The front room

  CREDITS: Building:  dust bunny . eloise cottage . white ACORN Fat Pig 8f8 - Patched Up Companions - Gusto Mortadelli - REZ 8f8 - Patched U...