Thursday, October 30, 2014

Weird Science

Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Sardonicus, Dr. Moreau - All could have created mayhem in my dark world.

Take a break from the insanity, put your feet up.

Where I think about Mayhem.

Oops...Mother and Daughter.

Just not enough time for all my evil thoughts.

CREDITS (sort of):  

Building- Trompe Loeil - Chatham Loft Skybox

Apple Fall
Boudoir - Ghostly Curiosities Cabinet
Cheeky Pea
Dutchie - Wingback Library Chairs
Second Spaces
Soy - lab table and chair

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Things in Jars

I love things in Jars!

Aphrodite has a great selection of animated spooky jars.  I bought them last year and wanted to share them with you.

Dark Spirit

OMG!  Kalopsia has created the MOST amazing set for ~Uber~ which opens tomorrow.  Excuse me if I'm full of superlatives, but this is amazing.

Dark Spirit


Dark Spirit
Mystic Spirit
I'm wearing Mystic Crown

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Haunted Trails

You can really tell when someone puts their heart and soul into a project.  The owners of Haunted Trails - Bella (Arabella Ducrot) and Peri (Perissa Caproni) - have put together a fun, charming and slightly spooky Halloween party.  I have never seen so many skeletons and dead things in one place.

As you wander around, you realize this is not only a fun place to be, but it also their home.

So many of the scenes are interactive, so take a moment and visit Haunted Trails, you will have a blast!

Haunted Trails

Meet Bella!

Me, being scary.

Me, being scared.

Really Scared.

Chillin in the Gypsy Camp

Me and the grumpy tree.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Not the Comfort Inn

I'm getting tired of spooky and dark.  I can't wait until the first snow - lighten up the mood.

 In the meantime, there is still a lot of fun to be had with the bizarre.

The Liaison Collaborative

Welcome to "Not the Comfort Inn"

There's a ghost in that jar!


Kalopsia - Alfred (It), Wolf Trophy Head
MudHoney - Rustic Welcome Sign, Owen Rocking Chair - cherry, Metal Pumpkin big orange (small, medium, large) - (The Liaison Collaborative) 
POST - Birchfield Antique Pew Cushion (R) 2 prim
Apple Fall - AF Pillow (Script), AF Pillow (Tree), AF Books
Aphrodite - Halloween jar "Spellbook & Spider", Aphrodite "Halloween ghost" haunted decorative jar, Aphrodite pumpkin cider tray
[WHD] - Texture Change Rug - Cabin Set 2
:FANATIK HOME - Chandelier Brass
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner bottle's box / Red ale (grunge)
[*Art Dummy!] - all is calm. all is bright. (art on wood)
Zigana - Maypole light . mixed, maypole light . plum
=Sloppy Seconds= - Route 66 Crate
By Georgia! - Bookshelf - 3 levels, Bookshelf - 4 levels
*bbqq* - Silhouette lamp-Cat
[LWL] - Charged-up Butterfly
Antiques Rhode Show - Candelabra_crystal cascade
*MishMish* - Phoenix, Stand and books

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's Raining in Baltimore...

It is truly Fall.  Winter is near.  Shutting down the boardwalk, time to put away the rides.

Kalopsia made these amazing chairs for Fifty Linden Fridays.  They are available at the main store.



Kalopsia - Flying leaves (orange), Light Chair (Metal)
Trompe Loeil - Paxton Lantern
POST - Tire Stack
.Shi + Vibe -  Velocipede [Limited Edition]
Floorplan - 2 empty crates / pumpkin ale, the illiad book, railroad lantern / nikel
Culprit - Pilot Trainer Ride
7 - Cigarette Machine, Happy Motor Boating, Now Serving Sign, Joyride!
Junk - Pulley light.
~*Forest Floor*~  - Ground Cover Elm (M/L) - For For flat terrain
[aR] - Coin Op Binoculars 'Venice Beach' (grey) v1.0
Oyasumi - crate (jars) / dark
[D2] - Fishing Boat-small
Damien Fate - "Friendship Bear" 2013
[noctis] - Box of popcorn (to rezz for decoration)
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner bottle / Red ale (cold)

Dwelling Quay Homes and Accessories (Christopher Coffee (xavier.novelli) - Best Rain 

Quiet Repose

Peaceful, easy feeling featuring two of my favorite designers - MudHoney and Apple Fall.


Building - Compulsion Stratford Cottage at Neva's Isle of Serenity

MudHoney - Eva Mirror, Wooden Urn, Sydney Sofa - Cream PG w/added textures to pillows, Metal Pumpkin small, med and large orange, Rustic Welcome Sign, Eva Lamp, Zelia table resized, Honey Apple Rug
[noctis] - Vintage chest of drawers, decal walnut
Kalopsia - Alfred (Bloody) RARE, Pumpkin (Light), Staglady Statue
[PM]Pixel Mode - Lisa Table - F
Apple Fall - Apple Fall Card Catalog (Antique), {af} Marble Urn, AF Fern Specimen, AF Woodstock, AF Carriage Clock, Apple Fall Pug Ceramic Decor, Apple Fall Meadow Flowers, Apple Fall Deer Skull, AF Pillow (Tree), AF Harry's Boat, AF Annan Reclaimed Frame

The Loft - Alexand Porter Chair Leather Chestnut [PG]
Art Dummy - in waiting. (settee-vintage), Orchid in AD concrete. (plant)
Lisp - Mesh - Jacob Display Case (1li) - Ash, Activity Poufz  - Yurt 4
Bazar - Toronto-Pens, Torornto-Study lamp, Toronto-Bedroom books&glasses
Trompe Loeil - Office Chair Fawn (my pillows), Paxton Lantern
Dutchie - Rug green striped, various sets of books in bookcases, Herb3

junk -  metal drawer chair. paint splatter, t. pipe stool. cushion.
[Breno] - Travelling Plants
+Half-Deer+ - Butterfleyes - Framed
[ARIA] - Parma potted cactus big
floorplan - washboard
oyasumi - wooden bull (light)
Botanical - 'Twoey' Carnivorous Plant
{vespertine} -  bookstack, cookie tin/butter cookies, original beer crate}, Trinket boxes
PILOT - Motel Key Rack
Second Spaces - Michelle old mail slots,  Moby books

11th Hour - Pumpkin Planter
:CP: -  Distressed Pumpkin Light, Horror Bookends
JD - Japanese porcelain bowl with brass
Zigana - potion master
[geek.] - Sheldon's Sugar-High -Common CLASSIC - BROWN
*Tatty Soup* - Grass Bucket.

A Quiet Bar

Don't talk (or drink) with Strangers!!!  I met this really cool stranger and his monkey at DaBar - a beautifully textured set from Fetch available at The Liaison Collaborative.

The Liaison Collaborative



[Fetch] - Lyla Bar, Lyla Stool (The Liaison Collaborative)
Aphrodite - Pumpkin cider tray, Halloween jar "Camelot remains" haunted, Haunted jar "Vampire fangs"
Kalopsia - Staglady Statue
22769 ~ [bauwerk] - Old Register Counter, Wine Glasses
[noctis] - Aunt Marina's Reindeer trophy Brown eyes 8prims, clockwork crow in bell jar V3
[WHD] - Texture Change Rug - Cabin Set 2
+CONVAIR+ - Pipe Lamp #1
Madelynmay - Figurine - Monkey
Second Spaces - Checkout at 11 guestbook
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner Tap & glass  (gold) / Lager (The Liaison Collaborative)
POST - Zinobia & Nemesis (with Fez!)
Ruby Rossini - rifle collection
ISON - deer plate
NotQuiteDead - Hunting Trophy
Rod Eun - RE Western Jackalope - Wall Mount
[Con.] - Skull of a Cheeky Pea Jar, The Brain of a Linden Jar

Monday, October 20, 2014

Chillin' on the Porch

MudHoney and Pixel Mode at The Liaison Collaborative

The Liaison Collaborative

MudHoney - for those beautiful Mums

Now that's relaxing!!!

Building:  Jordan Giant - dark.chocolate (very old purchase)

MudHoney - Owen Rocking Chair - oak, Rustic Welcome Sign (The Liaison Collaborative)
MudHoney Mums in Bucket - mix, orange (at the store - see above for link)
[PM]Pixel Mode - Woodlands Hot Tub LR - Adult (The Liaison Collaborative)
Kalopsia - Pumpkin (Light), Fall Wreath
Apple Fall - Ladderback Chair (Dark)
Soy. - Kerosene heater w/ kettle [Black]
[Fetch] - Lyla Stool (The Liaison Collaborative)
Aphrodite - pumpkin cider tray, "Industrial" Wood Basket
The Loft - Roxy Lumbar Pillow Moss
*Y's HOUSE* - Hot Green Tea set-03 [SHIMA], OMISE002_Hiyoke (W frame/12 tex/7prims) (awning)
oyasumi -  branch bench
junk - bartlet rug. one.
Botanical - T2C Stacked Firewood
ISPACHI - [EMERSON] Apples & Pears, Pumpkins on Stack of Books, Watering Can
(iTuTu) - street globe lamp
floorplan - washboard, apple crate stack seat
[ARIA] - Parma potted cactus big
{vespertine}- wooden hallway hanger
Second Spaces - Mills Cabin box o' soda, Bathroom Clutter - recycled towel rack
~*Forest Floor*~ - Rustic fence - Straight, Potted Scrub Maple - Yellows
3D Trees - weeping willow AUTUMN M/T
ArchiTech Designs - Autumn Creeper 3
RO - SpellBinder - Hecate

Friday, October 17, 2014

Welcome to my nightmare!

I love creepy stuff and Kalopsia has really creeped me out.  Evil Jack in the Boxes - part of the TAG! Gacha.  Aphrodite has two rooms that are silly-spooky.  The animations are so much fun.  I'm dead in front of the covered piano.

Building:  Lake House by Pandemonium

Kalopsia - Jack (Vintage) RARE
Kalopsia - Jack (Jester)
Kalopsia - Jack (Clown)
Kalopsia - Jack (Pierrot)
Kalopsia - Alfred (Jigsaw)
Kalopsia - Alfred (It)

Kalopsia - Le Miroire de la Marquise

MudHoney - Metal Pumpkin med, large, small white
[Fetch] - Aged Chandelier - gold
Aphrodite - Covered Piano, Bloody Carpet, Cobwebs with Rat, Fireplace, Grand dads Picture (from "Ghostly Livingroom")
Aphrodite - "Macabre Story"   Mannequin (from Halloween Bedroom)
.:SF:. (Senzafine) - "The Gloaming" Floor Candelabra (Autumn Glow)
[noctis] - Forture Teller's mesh candelabra light (3Li)
DRD - Stack of suitcases
Rod Eun RE - Old Wood Trunk w/Iron Bands
Oyasumi -  wooden wire bench
Zinnia's - Deer Skull

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Madame Zola - Minor Arcama

Madame Zola, world renowned Palmist.
[noctis] Madame Zola's Fortune teller set

The Madame Zola set from [noctis] is so much fun.  The animations are great - cards and bones.  I invited my friend and neighbor KK, over for a reading of his lifeline.  This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health, and general well-being.

As KK's avatar was highly intoxicated, I doubt if he has much in the way of general well being.  Tsk, tsk, such a shame!



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Grim Reaper is my Co-pilot

Kalopsia for The Liaison Collaborative

Kalopsia - Coffin
Kalopsia - Hearse
GK (Grey Kurka) - Gypsy Wagon-Vardo

The days grow darker

So much stuff, so little lindens. 
A few of my favorites from Apple Fall and MudHoney with flying wonders from Kalopsia.



The Liaison Collaborative


Building:  [we're CLOSED] ruined cottage

Apple Fall - Apple Fall Enchanted Swingset, Apple Fall Water Pump (Kustom9)
Apple Fall - Apple Fall Spooky Bench w/ Lights (Collabor88)
MudHoney - Metal Pumpkin Big white, Metal Pumpkin med white, Metal Pumpkin small white (The Liaison Collaborative)

Kalopsia - Flying Paper, Flying leaves (orange), Kalopsia - Flying leaves (orange), Kalopsia - Piece of Fence
ISPACHI - [EMERSON] Caged Pumpkins & Pinecones, Home Sweet Home Wall Plaque, Log Candle Holders (LIT), Apples & Pears, Watering Can (The Liaison Collaborative)
*ionic* - My bird friend (Mice) (The Seasons Story)
ArchiTech Design - Owl Watcher
Floorplan - Apple crate stack seat, Railroad lantern / purple
ROOST - Auckland fan Clock Small
HBLYS- Scarecrow
Birdy - Owlet {Sable}
[Con.] - Backyard Drive-In - Truck SKY PG
POST - Rural Gas Tank
8f8 - Back to School Chair
[Vintage] ~ (MESH) Horse Pose 7

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Art Dummy - Some of my favs

Art Dummy is shutting down October 15.  Just wanted to show a few of my favs.  Will miss you.

Out Visiting - Ravenshire

My friend, Gloria Silverstone with Hidden Gems in Second Life, is hosting an Open House at Ravenshire Halloween Village.

I stopped by and hung out for a while and snapped a few shots.  Thank you Gloria.

I'm sporting my new Fashionably Dead (fd) Bone Choker and Bone Glasses and Loose knit sweater in pumpkin from Collabor88.  I'm also loving the hair from Analog Dog.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Gravedigger's Soul

Kalopsia's beautiful outdoor set for The Mystic Realms Faire which runs from October 10 to October 26.

Mystic Realms Faire

I'm so excited to use my Medieval Chapel from Kismet and Dark Victorian Graveyard collection from Noctis.


Kalopsia - Stone Arch
Kalopsia - Stone Bench
Kalopsia - Pile of stones
Kalopsia - Cart
Kalopsia - Fountain Forest
Kalopsia - Well Town
Kalopsia - Flying leaves (orange)

[noctis] - Skeleton Rose Urn w menu
[noctis] - Dearly departed gravesite with dying roses #1, 2, 3, 4
[noctis] - Graveyard broken angel (2L.I.)
[noctis] - Open raven tomb with candles

*K* Kismet - Eternity Chapel Cemetery Fence Post (m/c)
*K* Kismet - Gothic Iron Cemetery Fence (m/c)
*K* Kismet - Eternity Medieval Chapel - building only v2.41

Alchemy Immortalis - Blackface Sheep
Studio Skye - Enchanted Woods v2 - 4 (clearing)
PILOT - Motel Key Rack (collabor88)
floorplan - Railroad lantern / purple (collabor88)
*. emm ; - iron fences {autumn}
Botanical - Forest Ruins Tower and ground texture
!L12 (Lakeisha12) - Statue Broken Angel 1
*~MMG's~* - GardeningTool-Shovel_1prim
The Domineaux Effect - Wheelbarrow Planter
Zigana - Wild grass .pure
Cube Republic - Pans Oak V2

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Just Two Rooms

The Dust Bunny Maple Cottage is soooo adorable.  It has only two rooms, but i love it anyway.

Apple Fall has a sweet dining set, chandelier and plates at The Chapter Four.  I scooped them right up and put them in this darling house.

The Chapter Four

Dust Bunny


House - Dust Bunny - Maple Cottage

Cat - SHOP SEU* 1prim anim cat -Siam-  grooming
Breno -  Fallout critter-slugosaur

Junk - Tinned plant. tea. (free group gift)
Apple Fall - AF Unknown Specimen, [AF] MAGAZINES, AF Books, AF Chinese Credenza, Apple Fall Pumpkin Clonch, Apple Fall Pearl Chandelier, Pumpkin Place Setting ,  Pottery Dining Chair, Pottery Dining Table  (The Chapter Four)
Soy - Three legged chair [brass], Triangle terrarium, diamond [brass]
LISP - Mesh Blinds Narrow Short - Chestnut, Feathers 2 Specimen Pic, Eggs Specimen Pic, Anna Fireplace Oak Orange
Scarlet Creative - Mesh Lucky 8 Sofa - Lily
Trompe Loeil - Ines Ottoman Branch PG, Paxton Lantern
Cheeky Pea - DiMaggio Patriotic Shelf, Salty Bar Art, Whitby Willows, Heather Antique Wall Art 1 and 2 - Copy, Homemade Table
[PM]Pixel Mode - Lorraine Tea Cart - Old White
The Loft - Canson Chair Chevron Sand, Claryon Chandelier Gold
TA - Inspiration Toast Rug
Floorplan - faux fur rug
DIGS - Warren Short Cabinet - Naturals [MESH], olveig Candle Holder - Brown [MESH]
[noctis] - Mesh Victorian endtable on rollers
Alouette - Meghan Clock - Worn
Katelyn Barom - 3D Republic - Mesh Patio Chair V2b
INDULGE - Courtier Sofa -Vintage
POWER MESH - full perm curtains -02 (The Marketplace)
PILOT - Storage Basket
La Galleria - Trophy Lamp 1 Champagne Shade COPY
Tarte - Pulley light - espresso
+Half-Deer+ - Stag Key Wall Hanging (tex. change)
22769 ~ [bauwerk] - Box of Praline
A.V. - Brise' Yellow Roses Bucket
-JoHaDeZ- Deco Birdy "come home", WallArt "dead tree"
{what next} - Chocolatier Drinks Tray
Kittie Munro (very old SL purchase) - Faux Eqyptian -  Warm Mosaic , Geometric Vase
Dutchie - 3 herbs
oyasumi - 18th street sign, 24th street sign, balance shelf / light
Kuro - Wooden vases
Bazar - Brown Rug with Fringe, Floria book, Floria book stack
8f8 - Mange Destin 06 - Rich chocolate truffles, Mange Destin 02 - Sweet fruity lolly pops, Mange Destin 12 - Buttercups with nougat
Vespertine - bookcart for her, book of scientist, diy color swatch board
(iTuTu) - owl cushion (S) / pink
[ARIA] - Torino potted double stemed Orchid A
KAZZA - HomeStyle - Flower Pot
POST - Esko Enamelware Sugar & Creamer, Gnesen Harvest Pumpkin 1, Esko Enamelware Coffee Pot
TG - Antique French Wine Cask 2 - Domus Fairm, Antique French Wine Cask 1 - Domus Fair
OW (Old World) - Candle small 1

Love to cook

  CREDITS: Apple Fall Hanging Wicker Basket Apple Fall Country Table Apple Fall Gourds in Vintage Bowl DRD - Eclectic Kitchen cabinets/appli...