Thursday, July 12, 2012

Vacation - And wasn't it fun!

I'm back from vacation.  I overpacked, overslept and overate - a wonderful break from reality.

I missed my green 1/4 sim on Rio Bravo and can't wait to move around some trees and rocks and lawn chairs.

I recently purchased a lot at The Grove.  I'm feeling terribly intimated.  There are really creative designers living at The Grove who build their own homes (misnomer for mansions).  I have only a few creative bones in my body, so I've been shopping for a suitable house.

I guess my Pandemonium Villa is out of the question :)

Wizarding Bedroom

  CREDITS: Building:  Scarlet Creative Catching Comets Mesh House  [ContraptioN] Decor: Eccentric's Curios Reflector A [ContraptioN] Dec...