Monday, June 2, 2014

Domestic Beauty

I'm crazy about the selections at The Arcade.  I couldn't wait until it opened and now i'm totally broke :)

Building - by POST

Apple Fall - (Plant on Floor) Potted Plant (Exotic)
llorisen - Eclectic Wooden Painted Chair (RARE) - The Arcade
Zooby - Black & White Pug
Vespertine - Garden Gate Door
Urban Daisies - Mobile Mesh Crate Seat
TG (Talisman) - Country Fench Cabinet - Domus Fair
2Xtreme  - Owl 4.0
7 - Rides Discount Sign (REVIEW) - The Arcade
Kalopsia - Bird Planter - The Arcade
Miyu Adder - Basil in pot, pumila
*MishMish* - Kitty in Moscow - The Arcade
*MishMish* - Kitty in Delhi - The Arcade
*MishMish* - Kitty in Kyoto - The Arcade
!Ohmai: - Tulip Fairy Terrarium - The Arcade
!Ohmai: - Horn Beetle Fairy Terrarium - The Arcade
!Ohmai: - Lady Bug Fairy Terrarium - The Arcade
[PM]Pixel Mode - THG - Seedling

The Arcade

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